
As I briefly mentioned in my welcome post, I love ads! So it’s only right that I blog about it. The thing that I love most about ads is the creativity. People who work in advertising are GENIUS! Well not all…but for the most part they do an amazing job at getting the message across in a very creative way.

What makes a good ad? In my Comm. 2511 class (Visual Comm.) I had to create an ad, but before I could create one, I had to learn the basics.

I started with the parts of an ad.


Traditional print ads contain a headline, which is a slogan or catch phrase. For example, Kay Jewelers is known for the line “Every kiss begins with Kay.”


If the ad is selling a product, an image is need; this could be the product being sold or a model or celebrity helping to endorse the product.

Company Logo

The company logo is necessary for an ad because it let’s the audience know who is selling the product or service.

Body Copy

This part of an ad gives the audience more information about the product or service or calls for an action. Not all ads have a body copy; sometimes only an image is needed to get the message across.

For the ad I created, I had to think of a client and a product. Everyone knows that sex sales so I went with Victoria’s Secret and a new pink lipstick as a product. (Picture Below) I had my friend act as the model and used photoshop to create a Paris scene. I came up with a slogan, Lady in Pink and added the VS logo.

So what makes an ad successful?

In order for an advertisement to be successful, it has to have a great visual element and create a scene for its audience. The advertisers should also know who the target audience is so that they can successfully select the proper elements for the ad. The ad should be easy to read and follow. The audience should know right away what service or product is being sold.

Below are some cool and creative examples of advertisements.

6 thoughts on “Advertising!

  1. I like the ad you created for Victoria’s Secret. It is very easy to follow and a creative representation of the product. I like being creative and have been more interested in advertising as well.

  2. It’s nice to find a fellow ad-nerd on here (no offense intended by the title). I love ads as well, and advertising is the perfect industry to combine creativity with business. I like the way you explained all the parts of an ad, but I wonder if this framework will change years down the line. Advertising should most certainly evolve, right? Who knows how ads will look in 20 years. Maybe people won’t even realize they are being advertised to.

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